¨Very worker must be ripped from ignorance,
task of the Revolution is to teach the people, to teach the
workers ¨.
Fidel Castro Ruz

The first Henequenera National School ¨Ciro Redondo¨ founded in 1960 on the initiative of Commander Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, El Che, was based on the concept of the leader of the Revolution Fidel Castro, of the need for the training of workers and directors.

Brief historical review of Cárdenas

Only 9 km from Varadero, the most beautiful beach in the world, and just over a hundred from the island's capital, is the city of San Juan de Dios de Cárdenas, head of the Cárdenas Municipality, a territory located on the coast north of the province of Matanzas.
With a population of about 156,000 inhabitants, the wealth of the Municipality is divided between agricultural, fishing and industrial production. A good percentage of its inhabitants work in the tourist pole of Varadero while the other is employed in the production of sugar and its derivatives, such as rum and alcohol; the fishing industry, the manufacturing centers that produce equipment, pieces, food, etc., agricultural activities, the cultivation of henequen and activities of service and care for the population.

Homage to the Flag and to Martí.

Lic María Teresa Clark Betancourt. UNHIC filial president and historian of the city of Cárdenas.

The Municipal Historical Archive and the subsidiary of the Union of Historians of Cárdenas convened the first scientific workshop in honor of the Flag and our national hero José Martí, on May 19, 1990. During the cataloging process of the funds of the newly founded Archive of the city in 1989 as director of the center, arranging the files we found a significant collection of documents related to the commemoration of the Centennial of the Flag in Cárdenas, in May 1950. Various acts were carried out, conferences, poetry contests, the students, a card placed in the avenue of Sáez remembers the winners, the one of adults the prize was obtained with his ¨ Canto a la Bandera¨, the odd Matanzas poet Carilda Oliver Labra.